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Opinion: Elon Musk is democracy’s biggest threat

Young Bin Lee | Staff Photographer

Our columnist argues that Elon Musk's influence over public narratives is a danger to democracy. Elected officials and leaders need to implement regulations that combat monopolistic control on media platforms.

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Elon Musk’s control over and divisive use of X, one of the largest public discourse platforms, is actively polarizing the nation, fostering an environment that threatens the very fabric of democracy. As students age into their constitutional right to vote, it is imperative for us to understand how wealth and power translate into the media we consume.

In recent years, the influence that billionaires have on the media — and consequently, elections — has become increasingly more established. We should be worried about the power held by people like Elon Musk, as it represents a new and more dangerous form of power.

Ayush Sawant | Design Editor

Musk’s rise to wealth began with the sale of Zip2 (essentially the internet version of a phone book) in 1999 and increased when he co-founded PayPal, which he then sold to eBay for $1.5 billion. His subsequent success in ventures like SpaceX and Tesla catapulted him into the upper echelons of the world’s richest individuals. But his acquisition of X in 2022 is about far more than a successful business move — it provides Musk with an unprecedented level of influence over what people see, hear and believe​.

Musk’s casual tweets in support of Dogecoin or Tesla stock have been credited with causing massive market shifts, leaving ordinary investors vulnerable to his whims. This ability to manipulate markets and public sentiment with a single tweet exemplifies the dangers of his unchecked power, especially when it comes to how it affects the average American.

His decision to reinstate the X accounts of figures like Donald Trump and white supremacist Nick Fuentes’ racist and antisemitic comments which have emboldened extremists only heightens the presence of misinformation and bigotry. Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud have already damaged public trust in democratic institutions, while Fuentes openly advocates for racist ideologies.

By giving these figures a platform, Musk is not fostering free speech — he is amplifying extremism​. Although freedom of speech is vitally important to a democratic system, especially with the looming presidential election, there needs to be some form of moderation regarding hate speech, disinformation and more.

The rhetoric Musk allows to thrive on his platform isn’t just controversial. It’s dangerous. By restoring their access to a platform as powerful as X, Musk is creating a space where misinformation, hate and division flourish. This is not an abstract concern. It’s a clear and present threat to the stability of democratic society.

Moreover, Musk’s erratic behavior raises further concerns about his capacity to manage such immense power. His infamous tweet about taking Tesla private at $420 a share led to a lawsuit from the SEC and a $20 million fine for misleading investors. His promotion of conspiracy theories on X, such as unfounded allegations about political figures or the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrates a reckless disregard for truth – as exemplified by the recent ban of the app in Brazil.

Musk’s control over X represents a chokehold on public discourse. His ability to elevate which voices are heard and which are silenced gives him unparalleled control over public narratives. This concentrated power undermines democratic principles of accountability and transparency, replacing them with a reality where one man can decide the terms of public conversation. Such unchecked power should alarm anyone who values democracy, especially students concerned about the news they consume.

Musk’s dominance reflects a larger trend of the wealthy dictating public discourse. When one person controls the flow of information, collective decision-making is undermined and public trust erodes.

Our generation, one which has been raised on the internet and should be well versed in media literacy, should know the weight of this issue. The time for complacency is over. Elected officials and community leaders must advocate for stronger regulations on monopolistic control of communication platforms. Policies should include stricter antitrust laws, greater transparency in content moderation and stronger accountability measures for platform owners. Without these changes, the influence of people like Musk will continue to erode democratic norms and threaten societal stability.

Democracy cannot thrive under the weight of unchecked power and concentrated wealth. If we do not act now to rein in figures like Musk, we risk losing the foundational principles of accountability and collective governance that hold our society together.

Max Lancer is a junior with a triple major in chemistry, biochemistry and mathematics. His column appears weekly. He can be reached at


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