College Republicans endorse Gresely, Lopez for SA race
The College Republicans believe that Boris Gresely and Daniela Lopez are the most ideal candidates for the Student Association president and vice president. Through their three- phases approach of reform, reconnecting and redirecting, we believe that they will restore SA to its former glory.
One of the main reasons we are supporting the Boris4SU campaign is the internal finance board concept. The internal finance board will give transparency to SA assembly members and the SU community to stop wasteful spending that the students can use.
We respect Boris and Daniela for their acceptance of varied political thought, and look forward to working with his administration in building up all of our student organizations to thrive.
While we believe that all of the candidates will do a great job in their potential roles, the College Republicans at SU firmly believe that Boris will breathe new life into SA and allow students to win in the long and short term.
College Republicans
Syracuse University
Published on November 14, 2013 at 12:23 am